Latest Past Events

Sister’s Book Club

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “If Allah wants to do good to a person, He gives them understanding of the religion.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari). Asalaamalaikum! We welcome you to join our Sisters' Book Club for those new to Islam and those wanting to develop their foundational knowledge of Islam. Our first session […]

New To Islam Drop-In Session

Join us every Sunday for an enriching journey into Islam! Are you curious about Islam or have recently embraced this beautiful faith? We warmly invite you to our weekly drop-in session, where we explore the teachings, practices, and values of Islam in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Whether you're a new convert, inquisitive about the […]

Sit with Sheikh

Are you a new Muslim seeking answers and guidance on your spiritual journey? Look no further! Join us for our monthly event, "Sit with Sheikh," where you can connect with Sheikh Tahir. Not only a knowledgeable and compassionate mentor who is here to help you navigate the beautiful path of Islam but also the Imam […]
